'''Staff (formerly known as Sysadmins, [[Wikipedia:system administrators|system administrators]]),''' serve an important role onin maintaining the Weird Gloopour wikis. They are theemployed only paid members of theby Weird Gloop, wikis,and are responsible for thevarious technicalaspects setupof andoperating upkeepour ofwikis, thesuch Weirdas Gloopmanaging serverthe systemstechnical infrastructure. ForWhile thisthey reasonhave theya arebroad additionallyrange heldof accountablepermissions toon theall boardwikis andthat expectedwe tohost, followthey itsdo directives.not Dueinterfere towith the thislocal conflictadministration of interest,any theywiki areunless unableasked to serveby asthe admins on boardthat memberswiki, butor are retainedrequired asto thefor boardtechnical seesor fit to provide technicallegal advicereasons.
On this wiki, staff serve the role of local administrators.
In order to carry out their role, they are members of the staff global user group, which encompasses the user rights of bureaucrats, along with checkuser and other system administrative rights, but this does not constitute a bureaucratic role. However, on Meta Wiki, they effectively serve the role of administrators, with additional function, as Meta Wiki acts as the global wiki for various extensions, such as AbuseFilter, and hosts shared gadgets.
Staff may perform any of the following:
Some of the responsibilities of Weird Gloop staff include:
* Temporary actions for testing and debugging across the Weird Gloop wikis.
* Use of bot accounts as needed for their work.
* Anti-vandalism work, such as banning if needed.
* ReplyReplying to emails sent via [[Special:Contact]].
== Current Staff staff== ▼
Outside of carrying out their role, they are expected to follow the policies of the individual wikis and of their local role on the wikis, such as administrator. They are however, with discretion, permitted to use tools they may not otherwise have on behalf of a user who does have that tool, when asked.
A non-exhaustive list of Weird Gloop employees can be found at [[Special:ListUsers/staff]]. Some employees may not need the user group, and therefore do not have it on this wiki. As each wiki family that we host has its own user database, employees may have different usernames on some wikis. If you're unsure whether someone is employed by us, feel free to [[Special:Contact|contact us]] for more information.
The list of current staff with the usergroup can be verified using [[Special:ListUsers/staff]]. Staff that do not need the usergroup may not have it.
* [[User:BigDiesel2m|Huge Loser]]
* [[User:Cook Me Plox|Cook Me Plox]]
* [[User:Gaz Lloyd|Gaz Lloyd]]
* [[User:Isobel|Isobel]]
* [[User:Jayden|Jayden]]
* [[User:TehKittyCat|TehKittyCat]]
[[Category:Global policies]]